Preventing and Treating Constipation
Many older adults deal with constipation on a regular basis. It is uncomfortable and can be frustrating. What, exactly, is constipation? It happens when a person goes 3 days or more without a bowel movement.
Many older adults deal with constipation on a regular basis. It is uncomfortable and can be frustrating. What, exactly, is constipation? It happens when a person goes 3 days or more without a bowel movement.
Drinking plenty of water is critical to wellness because dehydration is a common cause of hospitalization among older people. Many of the earliest signs, like dry mouth, fatigue, dizziness and muscle cramps, are nonspecific and could be easily attributed to other medical conditions, medications or natural effects of aging.
Restful sleep is one of the building blocks to good health. Many mistakenly believe that seniors don’t need as much sleep as younger adults, but that’s not the case.
As we age, we’re more likely to have pain-related ailments, but that doesn’t mean we should accept pain as a fact of life. There are many effective pain management strategies, even though challenges exist as well.
We are fortunate to live in a mild climate so that we don’t typically need to worry about ice and snow during the winter. We still can have some winter challenges though and these tips offer some ways to keep our seniors safe and healthy through the winter months.
The elderly are more likely to have medical conditions that make them more susceptible to be impacted by the cold.