Senior Alternatives

Care Management and Home Care Services

After a Hospital Stay – the Next Steps

Whether it be to a rehabilitation center (rehab), back home, or a skilled nursing facility, the more you know about the process, the better prepared you will be to manage the transition successfully.

Is Depression Inevitable as We Age?

Geriatric professionals, such as Care Managers, possess the tools to accurately assess if your parent or loved is depressed, or if they are at risk of depression. Remember that it is never too early to investigate symptoms or to seek the advice of a professional.

Health Care Terms and Definitions (POLST)

POLST was adopted in California in 2009. This is a voluntary form, which must be signed by you (or your agent) and your physician and indicates the types of life-sustaining treatment you do or do not want if you become seriously ill. Your physician will be able to provide this form for you.

Understanding CPR

We encourage all of our clients to have discussions with their family and physicians about how they want to be cared for, and what treatments they are willing to accept, as their health changes.

Seniors and Isolation

Isolation can lead to loneliness and a decrease in mental and physical ability. However, isolation is not inevitable and there are many ways to combat isolation as we age.

Aging Seniors and Healthy Nutrition

As we age, our bodies start to change. Our autoimmune system isn’t as strong, our bones get fragile, we get sick faster and our memory starts to fade. Nutrition is a key ingredient to keeping your body the best it can be.