When your elderly loved ones reach a certain age, it’s important to pay closer to their daily routine to make sure that they are still living safely. This often includes checking in with them about their diet, exercise routine, and making sure that they are prescribed the proper medication.
One of the most common questions asked in the geriatric industry is not how to begin care, but when to begin care. At what point do common symptoms of the everyday cold or illness begin to require more in-depth attention?
In order to tell if your parents’ new behavior could be signs of dementia, it’s important to know what to look for. There are a few basic symptoms that will help you determine if you need to seek professional advice.
When a person begins to wander, it is essential that they are not left unsupervised. For more information on how to keep someone with dementia safe, please contact Senior Alternatives.
For many of our elderly parents, the idea of bringing in outside care to assist with daily life is a foreign concept. Resistance is a natural and expected response to the idea that they have reached the point of needing help.
The warning signs for a heart attack are not the same for everyone. Many heart attacks can start slowly with mild or no pain. In this blog, we will explore how the symptoms differ for men and women, and what to do if you experience these symptoms.