Social & Legal Issues in Dementia Care – In this blog we explore the core concepts associated with navigating social and legal issues when caring for someone who has dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. The core concepts are as follows: a. Definition of...
Restoring Gut Health – Early research on the intestinal microbiome dates back to the 1840’s. The pivotal work of scientists and thought leaders of that era advanced the scientific foundations and clinical applications of the microorganisms found in the...
How to Boost your Brain Health – Scientists have learned more about the brain in the last 10 years than in all previous centuries because of the accelerating pace of research and its results. Therefore the focus turned from nourishing your body to paying close...
Self-Care for the Caregiver – September is National Self-Care Awareness Month. With that in mind we wanted to highlight the importance of caring for self while caring for others. Self-care is described as performing a series of actions to improve your...
Senior Living Options – Recent statistics tell the story of aging and caregivers around us, as of July 2019 data showed that 54.1 million US residents were 65 years or older. The number of Americans in that age cohort will more than double over the next 40...
The Sandwich Generation and Homecare – Two social workers named Dorothy Miller and Elaine Brody coined the term “Sandwich Generation” in 1981 to describe caregivers sandwiched between generations. Currently, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted...