Senior Care Blog
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Quick Stress Reducers
During this unprecedented time, all of us could use some extra tips on stress reduction. There is so much going on, and yet many people find they have less to do than they normally might, due to shelter-in-place, and the majority of in-person events being discouraged or cancelled.
Oral Health and Aging
As we age, it often gets more difficult to maintain optimal oral health. Brushing and flossing become more challenging with arthritic or weakened hands, or due to tremors. Many of us with declining cognition just cannot remember to do these daily tasks.
Alcohol and Older Adults
Anyone at any age can have a drinking problem. Families, friends and healthcare workers sometimes overlook their concerns about older people drinking, or mistake it for other conditions related to aging, such as a problem with balance.
Seniors and Mental Health
As parents and grandparents age, many adult children (and seniors themselves) fear that their loved one will be diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. However, there is another disease that poses the biggest threat to senior mental health: depression.
COVID-19: Coping and Support
There are so many sources of stress during the COVID-19 pandemic , it’s normal to feel some anxiety. Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. How you respond to the outbreak can depend on your background, the things that make you different from other people, and the community you live in. The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone!
Home Modifications
Home improvements, modifications and repairs can help older adults maintain their independence and prevent accidents. A home modification adapts a living space so that occupants can live safely, perform tasks better and live independently, despite their physical limitations.
Preventing and Treating Constipation
Many older adults deal with constipation on a regular basis. It is uncomfortable and can be frustrating. What, exactly, is constipation? It happens when a person goes 3 days or more without a bowel movement.
Preventing Dehydration
Drinking plenty of water is critical to wellness because dehydration is a common cause of hospitalization among older people. Many of the earliest signs, like dry mouth, fatigue, dizziness and muscle cramps, are nonspecific and could be easily attributed to other medical conditions, medications or natural effects of aging.
Seniors and Sleep
Restful sleep is one of the building blocks to good health. Many mistakenly believe that seniors don’t need as much sleep as younger adults, but that’s not the case.
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