Senior Care Blog
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COVID-19: Coping and Support
There are so many sources of stress during the COVID-19 pandemic , it’s normal to feel some anxiety. Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. How you respond to the outbreak can depend on your background, the things that make you different from other people, and the community you live in. The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone!
Home Modifications
Home improvements, modifications and repairs can help older adults maintain their independence and prevent accidents. A home modification adapts a living space so that occupants can live safely, perform tasks better and live independently, despite their physical limitations.
Preventing and Treating Constipation
Many older adults deal with constipation on a regular basis. It is uncomfortable and can be frustrating. What, exactly, is constipation? It happens when a person goes 3 days or more without a bowel movement.
Preventing Dehydration
Drinking plenty of water is critical to wellness because dehydration is a common cause of hospitalization among older people. Many of the earliest signs, like dry mouth, fatigue, dizziness and muscle cramps, are nonspecific and could be easily attributed to other medical conditions, medications or natural effects of aging.
Seniors and Sleep
Restful sleep is one of the building blocks to good health. Many mistakenly believe that seniors don’t need as much sleep as younger adults, but that’s not the case.
Managing Pain for Seniors
As we age, we’re more likely to have pain-related ailments, but that doesn’t mean we should accept pain as a fact of life. There are many effective pain management strategies, even though challenges exist as well.
Dementia and nutrition
In addition to age-related changes in appetite, thirst, and sense of smell and taste, dementia can make eating and mealtimes more challenging as well. Here are some tips to maintain and build nutrition in people living with dementia:
I get by with a little help from my friends
“I get by with a little help from my friends” is not just a famous lyric from the Beatles! It also describes the boost that some seniors need in order to retain their quality of life when their body or mind isn’t fully cooperating. If your elderly parent or loved one is showing a few signs of struggle with shopping or cooking and mostly needs a companion as opposed to a caregiver, a part-time personal assistant can be the perfect fit.
New Year’s Resolutions
What would New Year’s be without a resolution or two? People of all ages can make and complete New Year’s resolutions. Seniors and caregivers can team up to support one another. Or, if a senior has a professional home care provider, that caregiver can help the elder to carry through the resolution.
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