Senior Care Blog
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Dealing with Resistance – Convincing a Parent to Accept Help
For many of our elderly parents, the idea of bringing in outside care to assist with daily life is a foreign concept. Resistance is a natural and expected response to the idea that they have reached the point of needing help.
Symptoms of a Heart Attack
The warning signs for a heart attack are not the same for everyone. Many heart attacks can start slowly with mild or no pain. In this blog, we will explore how the symptoms differ for men and women, and what to do if you experience these symptoms.
Is Alzheimer’s Genetic?
We do know that there is a genetic component to the disease, but we simply do not know how genetics determine Alzheimer’s disease.
Improving Life through Nutrition
Nutrition is crucial in terms of health and well-being and is important at every stage of life, especially in the elderly. When looking to improve quality of life for seniors, food provides energy, nutrients and other substances needed for health.
Compliance and Medication Management
One of the challenges we see with medical professionals in geriatric care is the lack of compliance and adherence to medication management. We often hear from our physician partners and families of the frustrations of their patients and loved ones who struggle with medication management and keeping with treatment protocols because of confusion or forgetfulness.
How to Offset Costs of Care – Making it Easier to Pay for Home Care
How to Offset Costs of Care – Making it Easier to Pay for Home Care
One of the initial barriers to starting home care for your loved one is the associated costs that come with employing help. Although home care may become a part of your care plan for your loved one, it need not create a big financial burden for you.
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