Senior Alternatives

Care Management and Home Care Services

Senior Care Blog

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Is it time for homecare? Look for these signs when visiting home for the holidays.

Is it time for homecare? Look for these signs when visiting home for the holidays.

One of the first places people often start is with care at home. This provides the most independence for your loved one while still getting the help they need. This can also give you peace of mind that someone is at home with your loved one to help identify areas of help they need. Senior Alternatives takes calls 24/7 and can start getting you the help you need immediately. 

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Older Driver Safety Awareness Week

Older Driver Safety Awareness Week

Older adults can take steps to stay safer on the roads. Driving helps older adults—persons 65 and older—stay mobile and independent. However, as we age, declines in vision and cognition (ability to reason and remember), and physical changes might affect driving....

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Caregiver Tips: Washing Seniors Hands

Caregiver Tips: Washing Seniors Hands

Caregiver Tips: Getting a Senior to Wash Their HandsFamily caregivers do everything in their power to keep their aging loved ones safe and healthy. Unfortunately, our elders sometimes put up a fight when we try to get them to participate in their own care. One routine...

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National Family Caregiver Month

National Family Caregiver Month

Caregiving And The Sandwich Generation - More than one in 10 middle-aged parents in the United States also care for an adult, spending about three hours each day on caregiving duties between their children and parents, they are known as the 'sandwich generation'. [1]...

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World Osteoporosis Day 2021

World Osteoporosis Day 2021

Exercise regularly
Ensure a diet rich in bone-healthy nutrients
Avoid negative lifestyle habits and maintain a healthy weight
Identify the risk factors which you can’t change
Talk to your doctor: get tested, get treated if required

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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer found in elderly women. A woman has a one-in-eight chance of developing breast cancer over her lifetime, according to the National Cancer Institute.

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Private Care Services Frequently Asked Questions: Answered!

Private Care Services Frequently Asked Questions: Answered!

Have you been wondering whether a care manager or caregiver is right for you? Are you struggling to take care of an older adult at home? Are you personally finding it hard to keep track and maintain your daily calendar of events such as family events, medical appointments, and social calendar?

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