Private Care Services Frequently Asked Questions: Answered!
Have you been wondering whether a care manager or caregiver is right for you? Are you struggling to take care of an older adult at home? Are you personally finding it hard to keep track and maintain your daily calendar of events such as family events, medical appointments, and social calendar?
Adult Daughters: Our Nation’s Front Lines of Caregiving in the Era of Alzheimer’s
“If adult daughters went on strike tomorrow, our health care system would collapse.”
Depressions in Older Adults-Not a Normal Part of Aging
Depressions in Older Adults-Not a Normal Part of Aging September 2, 2021 In honor of National Suicide Prevention Awareness month, we wanted to highlight the fact that despite what some people may think, depression is not a normal part of elderly care....COVID, Seniors, and the Holidays
Research has shown that feeling lonely seriously impacts physical and mental health. For this reason alone, hiring home care services for seniors may be worthwhile. Caregivers can serve not only as personal care assistants, but also as companions or “senior helpers” for that much-needed human interaction, and partners for errands and in-home activities.
I get by with a little help from my friends
“I get by with a little help from my friends” is not just a famous lyric from the Beatles! It also describes the boost that some seniors need in order to retain their quality of life when their body or mind isn’t fully cooperating. If your elderly parent or loved one is showing a few signs of struggle with shopping or cooking and mostly needs a companion as opposed to a caregiver, a part-time personal assistant can be the perfect fit.